The 6 Best New Beauty Tools and Facial Devices

By Maryam Lieberman October 5, 2020 2:42 pm

The current, predominant trend in the beauty world isn’t a prized ingredient or treatment. Instead, there has been an onslaught of facial devices, tools, and gadgets on the market of late. Companies are finally giving consumers more of what they’ve always craved: access to professional-grade products. There isn’t a skin guru in town who doesn’t have a tool they swear by—and in terms of skincare, every beauty junkie knows the “face device after serum” step is gospel to an evening skin routine.

But like most trends that will eventually turn into beauty mainstays, there’s the inevitable game of deciphering quality from the duds. (My social media feed is rampant with face tool ads that appear misleading; testimonials run amok from relatively unknown people in their early 20s lauded as experts, assuring the public they know all about cell turnover and smooth skin.) There’s also a handful of devices that have jumped on the face tool bandwagon far too quickly and have been recalled, while others have failed with their Xanadu-like promises to show any real results, even with consistent use.  

If you’re looking to integrate a face tool into your regimen, we’ve done a roundup of the most effective skin devices that have launched in the last year to help ease your search. Some prices may seem outrageous initially, but take into consideration that if you haven’t had a facial in six months, chances are, your new state of the art face tool has more than already paid for itself. 


Ziip Ox

This new handheld nano and microcurrent device launched earlier in 2020 to target the beauty-conscious consumer; it uses nano-current energy as a holistic skincare approach, comes pre-loaded the Lymph and Lift treatment and is accompanied with a clean, organic conductive gel.

Why it’s different: This treatment stimulates the skin and works to drain the lymphatic system and visibly lift the face. There is also an accompanying app that gives eight additional skincare treatments to fight fine lines around the eyes, tackle hyperpigmentation, depuff, and help firm and tighten overall.

See the other products...


